Eliza R Snow is well known for her beautiful poems and contributions to lds hymns as well as for serving as the 2nd general Relief Society President after Emma Smith. In her life she was known as a beacon of hope in dark times. She consistantly and constantly lifted those around her and brought them closer to God and his goodness.

In 1835 Eliza's mother and older sister-who were already members of the church-returned from a trip to Kirtland with strong and vibrant testimonies that shook Eliza to the core. She found the restored gospel so marvelous that it couldn't be true. Soon she received her own answer and was baptized as well. Much like Emma Smith, she took a little longer than many to receive an answer and commit to it, but never after did she deny the truthfulness of the church or book of mormon. Through her faithfulness her brother Lorenzo Snow came to know the fullness of the gospel and later would serve as president of the church. He credited his sister for the infinite gift she gave him by introducing him to the gospel.
She was very in tune with the spirit, so much so that God was willing to reveal to her new truths and doctrines. Through a blessing from Joseph, the doctrine of our Eternal Mother was introduced to Eliza R Snow. She penned O My Father with the line mentioning that we must have a mother in heaven as well after receiving this revelation. How touching that doctrine must have been to Eliza, to know that she had a mother in heaven who loved her just as her father did.
As the saints moved west, Eliza noticed that spirits were falling and began to sing uplifting hymns. The whole way there she continued to sing and kept a cheerful attitude to help keep the saints going. It didn't matter how tired she was. She put the needs of the many ahead of her own exhaustion and kept pushing forward.
Eliza worked in the temple in Nauvoo, and was later called to be the temple matron. Her health was poor and she wondered if she would have the strength to fulfill her calling, but Brigham promised her that God would provide the strength she needed. So she arose to serve and almost instantly her health improved and she was able to do all she was called to do.
She served as Relief Society President for 21 years. During this time she worked to improve the situation of all mormon women. One of her larger accomplishments was calling a session of over 6000 mormon women together in order to discuss and promote to the world the idea that mormon women were not only not oppressed but very happy and active participants in the church. She always supported polygamy and insisted that it was the right of the people to live as they pleased.
Eliza R Snow was a natural born leader and really rose to the occasion. She accepted plural marraige twice-once with Joseph, then with Brigham. She served God with all her heart, mind, might, and strength. Referring to herself as a prophetess, she strove to fulfill her calling and teach her sisters to always do the right. And she never fell away.
Peterson, Janet, and LaRene Gaunt. Elect Ladies: Presidents of the Relief Society. Deseret Book, 1990
Barrett, Ivan J. Heroic Mormon Women. Covenant Communications, 2000.
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